What’s in here?

Halo! First of all, i would like to thank you for taking a chance, giving an effort, sharing some time, and having interest in visiting this tiny little weblog. This is my first shot at creating websites using an online website creation tool, which happens to be WordPress. So if you’re wondering what to anticipate as you roam around the realm of The A Pattern, then it’s a good thing you decided to click on the Welcome menu because if you haven’t then the things you’ll see will probably kill you.

I’m kidding. That’s what i am, a kid. At least physically, i guess.

Maybe now you’re saying, “Ugh, just get to the point,” so here goes. Probably, the number one things that’ll get shown here are random ideas that are not too random. Expect some of the author’s whines about the context of her life or the system of how the world works.

Secondly, watch out for Petit Biscuit and his music. Why? Simply because he’s awesome. Then there’s also other stuff like brown and nature and Gumball and you know, stuff.

Thirdly, stay signed in for the other other stuff. This third part is just the difference that’s left after you subtract the subtrahend (the first two things up there, up there, look) from the minuend (the website as a whole). I don’t really have something to call the things that belong here. So they’re merely classified just for the purpose of being “organized”. Bleh.

To sum it all up, this site is pure rubbish—recyclable rubbish.crumpled-paper-ball